- Set a due date for all activities (the due date could be just before you export them). Assignments in green italics (ie, assignments for which the due date hasn't passed) aren't included in the total grade. If you need to, you can set a due date, export, then remove the due date.
- Move gray scores into ungraded categories. Gray scores are included in overall scores, but your students can't see them. If you have any activities that you decided not to use, make sure they aren't in your main grade category(ies).
- Similarly, move any unused assignments into ungraded categories. If your students don't have scores (if, instead, they have a -), that score isn't included in the course grade, but anything your students have a score in (including a 0) is included in the course grade.
If you need help with any of these options, your TechTA is ready to help, or just contact us at support@saplinglearning.com.